Tuesday, December 11, 2007

二零零七年花絮之Merdeka Millennium Endurance



今年活动还真多,F1,国际烟花赛,还有Merdeka Millennium Endurance。我不是玩车一族,但是听到那vroom vroom vroom的声响就会觉得很亢奋。托大弟弟的福,才有机会去观赏这一场别开生面的Merdeka Millennium Endurance。一张八十元的pass,就可以让你全场跑,全场看,甚至于还可以进车房。

弟弟的组员, Toyota Levin,编号110


途中,大弟弟的那一组还发生了一点状况。车的废气尽然跑回车内,原因是其中的通气管断了,所以坐在赛车座的车手不能承受那一股气流,导致晕眩,最后还被送去急救室。所幸发现得早,两位车手都安然无恙。其后,车被修理后,整组队员还坚持跑完全场,很有体育精神。虽然不在Top 10排行榜,不过据大弟弟的解说,成绩还算不赖。他可是有一点点的遗憾,因为自己没来得及参与这一场车赛。因为才从日本公干回来,不够时间报名做身体检验,而且赛车执照过期了。他说,明年再来!

vroom vroom vroom,刺耳又刺激!

整个赛车时间真是长之又长。我们三人没跟完整场至结束,因为还得赶去第二场盛会-- 国际烟花赛,今晚是意大利队,不容错过, 真的是忙!


Monday, December 10, 2007


嗯,我会用的一个字来看待这一类事情 -- 就是“算”

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Jogja-Solo, One Millionaire Trip (3)

haha...back in action for my Jogja-Solo trip. I'll have to take 'n' years to finish the 6 day-5 night story...hehehe...bear with me, it really takes some time to flashback in order to capture all sweet memory about Jogja-Solo...

Day 3 ~ 28.07.07 (Saturday)

As usual, breakfast provided by hotel, two options here: fried rice or toast. After breakfast, as what we have planned last night, we went and did the price survey for trip to Prambanan. Uh…very effective indeed. Less than 20 minutes, everyone went back to the meeting point and we were able to get the best deal at Rp300,000 for transportation to Prambanan. We would be heading to Prambanan at 2pm. So, we still have plenty of time to capture some hot spots in jogjakarta – Sultan Palace, Kratan, Ngasem Bird Market and Water Castle.

Sultan Palace, Kratan
The palace was built elegantly. Everyday, 7am, 11am and 4pm, there will be a tea-serving ceremony for Sultan. The “dayang-dayang” (ho ho ho…not really young lo, they have been serving tea for Sultan from young time till now) serve tea for Sultan even he’s not around. It’s the traditional custom of the palace that has been practiced from old time till now. Normally, the king will be at Governor Office (sometimes, the Sultan could be in Jakarta for Parlimen meeting) in the morning till 2pm, then he’ll be back to the palace. That’s the reason why the palace is closed for the public at 2pm.

At Sultan Palace, you can see a lot of displays on tea sets, plates, bowls, etc, all gifted by other countries to the Sultans of different generations.

The most important thing we discovered here…the history of each sultan (or king). You’ll be amazed with their marriage experience, especially.
First 5 wives, 30 children
Second 20 wives, 75 children
Third 5 wives, 25 children
Fourth 5 wives, 80 children; 90 years old passed away
Fifth 3 wives, 9 children, 35 years old passed away
Sixth 6 wives, 23 children
Seventh 30 wives, 80 children
Eighth 8 wives, 41 children
Ninth 5 wives, 23 children
Tenth 1 wife, 5 chidlren

Water Castle
Well, water castle was once a special place built for the king to gather all “dayang-dayang”. No wonder the king all married with so many wives and children. Some parts of the building had been destroyed while some are still well-preserved. If you look at the design of the castle, it’s creative and unique. Fun to explore around.

Ngasem Bird Market
In bird market, you can see lots and lots of different types of birds are sold here. Smelly anot? Birds’ shit smell, sure have lo, with lots of chirping sounds which had form an unorganized rhythms, but nice one. Well, so many birds, who’s the buyer? Emm…Some buy to be kept as pets, some buy for contest, and some are for eating (cruel ya!!), all sorts of purpose.

Wow…today’s lunch was real COOL! Not eating in a proper restaurant but standing at a simple “ugly” stall in the Palace and eating. Don’t judge thing by its cover. The food were yummy…we ate a lot…mihun goreng, nasi & sambal, biscuit with don’t know what’s the filling and jeruk, the nice cooling beverage. Guess what, it’s only Rp25,000 for all. Ten of us eating, each one 2-3 packs of mihun or nasi…really syok la this meal! Where can you find things with 10 cent or 20 cent (in RM) in this world again? No impossible but pretty hard, isn’t it? we ate ice-cream which was originally made, taste heavenly, Rp2,000 per cup. After feeding our stomach, still left some time before our transport to Prambanan come. Haha…we borrowed a bicycle from an uncle who also enjoyed meal there, and we started cycling around the area…ho ho ho…just like go back to the kiddy time…

Our mini bus came, we were heading to Prambanan around 2pm. It took some times before we reached Prambanan…time to take a short nap to increase our energy level for more fun to come…

Went to Prambanan, with so many temples around, feeling myself like back to Angkor Wat again. There are four temples to be visited here, including Candi Sari, Candi Lumbung, Candi Sewu and Candi Bubrah. Most of the temples here had been destroyed, while some are in the restoration now.

Romantic Sunset
Yes!!! The sunset was fabulous beautiful. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…romantic counting down with ney-no for the sunset disappeared from the sky. Hahaha, seeing us counting down there, one of the foreign visitors also felt funny and laughing at us…but who bothered?!

Ramayana Ballet
After sunset, we are heading to Panggung Ramayana to view Ramayana ballet. It’s a worth-to-watch show (Rp40,000 per person). However, it’s best if you could read the story plots first to gain better understanding before the show start. If you were on the spot, you’d know why…so many characters, just look alike, don’t know who is who; suddenly this died, suddenly you see him alive; who is innocent, who is devil…wow…really made your head size double BIG! Well…two hours sitting there and enjoying the show, real confused and exciting!

After Ramayana show, it’s already 11pm plus. Haha…some of the team members were still very energetic, so, 6 of them heading to Bukit Merapi (Rp140,000 per pax) straightaway; while the remains, 4 chose to stay in hotel (including myself), enjoying the night view at Jl. malioboro, having McD and chill-out for beer in room. That’s life! Well, ganbatte ne, for those who took the challenge to conquer the Bukit Merapi! Tell you what, the bed and pillow in Green Gloria Guest house is real comfort for a good night sleep….oyasumi…

To be continued...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Brainteasing Time!!

Chillout Time! Take a break, relax your brain cells. Try the brainteasing quiz below:-

There is a bus with 7 girls inside,

Each girl has 7 bags,

Inside each bag, there are 7 Big cats

Each Big cat has 7 small cats,

All cats have 4 Legs each!

Now, how many Legs are there inside the bus?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's School Holidays!

Ho ho ho..it’s school holidays again! Haha…why am I so excited? Why am I so happy? I’m no longer a student. I do not study. So, what does holidays to do with me? That’s important! Coz I’m a road user, a car driver who spends so much time on road every day! When there’s school holiday, there’ll be truly a break for road users, especially ME, who never gets smart on the directions. Traffic in everywhere seems to be smooth, no jam, no hassle, real relaxing driving journey…hulala…

What an insane thought: if 365 days were to be school holidays, how nice would it be? I’m starting my day dreaming…if that would be the case, oh…unbelievable!

Oopps…sorry, perhaps it’s nothing to do with school holidays. The main cause is still left unsolved. What a foolish question! Oh…You may get what I mean, everyone (if not all, by majority) knows where the problem lies behind. So, who caused the delayed? Who caused the jam? Well...it could be someone who don’t admit the inefficiency; it could be someone who don’t see his/her idiotic driving skill; it could be someone who’s in day-dreaming; it could be someone who’s so reckless…yiakkkk…all these are so so so SHITzzz!

Monday, November 12, 2007






Thursday, October 18, 2007


逢开斋节,正好有几天假期,一人跑到槟岛休闲去。厉害了我,在巴士上都可以认识到一位美女,也刚好要在Juru Toll下车,就一路谈啊、睡啊、谈啊。。。就到咯! 到槟岛有鸿、慧和赐喜大佬的相伴,绝对赞!我人还没去,他们已经安排了一连串节目。尽地主之谊不止,还三天两夜奉陪到底,绝不让你有机会叫闷。

Sunway Carnival

Gurney Plaza

卡拉到那里都OK。。。从吉隆坡K到槟岛去。Redbox的歌嘛是一样啦,重点是K歌的人就不一样咧!这边就有新组合S.H.E(讲笑的啦,刚好三个女人,feel young again了嘛)。还有平时不K歌的赐喜大佬都给面子献声,真够尽兴!K了两个小时,个个都快要失声咯!

Batu Ferringi
来槟岛,不去Batu Ferringi怎么行。得去一趟,扫一些CD啊、VCD啊、DVD啊。。。多到你眼花缭乱,缭乱到还要眼花,不知该选买那张呢。。。


位于Jalan Selamat的安娣碳炒果条非常热卖哦!要吃还得排长龙,等上半小时至一小时吧。排这么久,只叫一盘太浪费了,不叫上三五七盘,还真过意不去。结果,我们四人帮每人轮流五分钟,差不多一小时吧,我们才尝到那人人垂涎三尺的果条。安娣真有一手,非常有碳炒味哦。不过尝试过一次就够了,你若在那儿排个几十分钟就会十分明白我的含义啦(要知道啊,我们私底下再讲)!

离别时依依,赐喜大佬又带我们去Pulau Tikus享用早餐。茶餐室满座又客似云来的缘故,必须站在那儿等候空位子,有点身在香港的感觉。那儿的Pancake,Kari Laksa, Roti Babi真有一套!回味无穷!

Monday, October 08, 2007

My love will get you home...

"My Love Will Get You Home" by Christine Glass - One of the soundtracks in Hong Kong TVB drama Heart of Greed (溏心風暴).

Found it truly a soothing song that could bring a lost you home. Have been listening to it repeatedly, very meaningful indeed.

Enjoy the song...cheers!!

If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.
If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home,
boy, my love will get you home.

If the bright lights blind your eyes, my love will get you home.
If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home,
boy, my love will get you home.

If you ever feel ashamed, my love will get you home.
When there's only you to blame, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home,
boy, my love will get you home.

If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home,
boy, my love will get you home,
boy, my love will get you home.

Monday, September 24, 2007



Monday, September 03, 2007

Jogja-Solo, One Millionaire Trip (2)

Day 2 ~ 27.07.07 (Friday)

Blur Ney-Ho…
Supposedly we should wake up at 4am but Ney-Ho had adjusted the alarm clock mistakenly. I was smart this time as I asked her 3.15am as in Malaysia or Indo. The one-time mistake I had made in Angkor trip had taught me to be careful with time difference. Haha…we back to sleep again for another hour.

The Sunrise…
Gathering at 4.45am, we reached Candi Borobudur in five-minute time. For the price we had paid, the driver just drove us to the spot and left us there. I thought it was going to have a tour guide to guide and explain to us. What a tricky package?!

No much crowd here to view sunrise. Very quiet. We walked around and climbed to the top to find the spot of viewing sunrise. Waiting in the dark, we saw the sign of the dawn going to break. The volcano was highlighted by orangey shines. It was beautiful. But soon, the cloud came over and covered the whole scene of volcano. “Zanne desu yo (pour thing).” Our morning mission was gone with the appearance of fog.

Even the sunrise was not there, we were still hanging around and taking photos. We were going to leave Candi Borobudur today, this was the last chance for those photography-addict to cover the balance which they might have missed yesterday.

American Breakfast…
When sky was getting brighter, it signaled the time to feed our stomach again. We left the candi for our breakfast in the hotel. Ho ho ho…American breakfast, the most expensive breakfast offered by the hotel. Each of us enjoyed it with different styles. Some made egg mayo sandwich; some took the toast with butter and jam; while some chopped the boiled egg into bits and pieces added with chili...whichever style, it was a happy filling breakfast. Uh...plus a complimentary light meal from sunrise viewing package – the banana fritter topped with cheese, just irresistible!

The Museum…
What’s next? Yeah…we went and visited the museum. The tour guide in the museum had enriched our trip to Borobudur. He had made such a good explanation on the history of Borobudur, from the building till to the damage, and to the restoration of Borobudur. Again, another great masterpiece of building in history. The architecture of Borobudur which was built without single nail and nut is real amazed!

Came to the Buddha statue located in front of the museum. This statue is believed to be the one put at the top stupa of Candi Borobudur. All of us made a pray in front of the Buddha. When you’re telling your wish to the Buddha, at the same time you’re pouring the water from the head of the Buddha. The ceremony is inherited from who and where is unknown. We just followed someone who made the praying before us. Will the wish come true? Ask yourself lo (all wishes are kept in the heart, nobody knows yours)…

Visiting other temples…
We had to leave Borobudur at 12.30pm to visit other nearby temples – Candi Pawon and Candi Mendut. Geographically Candi Pawon, Candi Mendut and Candi Borobudur are located in one straight line, amazed! It’s the workship of God or the human?

Candi Pawon, a small temple located in the village. Initially, we thought we were going to spend about half to an hour here. Haha…took only 3 minutes, we finished viewing the whole temples. We left the temple after 20 minutes. For photography, it’s still worth to spend some time. The professional gang was busy finding all the potential angle for best shot!

Candi Mendut is slightly bigger than Candi Pawon. There are three statues – representing God of richness, God of Happiness and God of Life sitting in the temple. One of the guards there was smart. When we entered the temple, he used a piece of zink to reflect the light from outside into the temple. So, we could see the statue of each God clearly and even snap the best clear shot. Haha…another round of praying and donation. Truly sincere …we’re praying everywhere we’d visited.

While visiting the temples, all team members had fostered the mood to start buying souvenirs already. Funny scene, if you bought something from one of the sellers, there would be another two or three sellers approached and offered you same thing with lower price. They had their “gong fu” to sell their stuffs, they would stick to you until you surrendered. Unless you kept your determination of not buying, else, your wallet would be “dried” very fast.

The watch showed 2.30pm in the afternoon, nobody complaint about hungriness. The philosophy of “dream camera, sleep camera, eat camera” was like assimilated into our travelling. To quench the thirst, we enjoyed coconut under the shadow. Real cooling… Thereafter, we departed for our next travel spot – jogjakarta.

Jl. Malioboro...
Took more than an hour, we reached first night guess house in jogjakarta, Wisma Nendra. After viewing the room condition, we decided not to stay in. What a kidding, the mini bus that sent us to Nendra guess house had left us behind. So what? Meaning that we had to either walk or call the tu-tu. Finally, we chose to walk and at the same time could enjoy the scenes of jogjakarta.

Alright, understanding direction will never be my skill. I left this important mission to the others. When we learnt the direction to Jl. Malioboro, all of us carried own luggage and backpack, and started our journey to find our accommodation tonight. Along the way, we visited few guest houses. Yea…it was real cheap but you would never like the environment and the room condition. More importantly, neither hot shower nor air-condition is provided. So, we continued our journey towards Jl. Malioboro.

Walking for more than half hour, the luggage was getting heavier and heavier. Everyone was hot, sweating and tired. Honestly, the street name of jogjakarta is long and difficult to remember. We asked people around about the direction. Luckily, other team members are good at reading map. If I were to read the map, I think all of us were going to get lost and getting more tired and exhausted.

At last, we reached Jln Malioboro. Very happening here. Lots of stalls along the street…oh..focus, now, our task was to find a suitable guest house for tonight first. Yes, very fast we found Wisma Persada Guest House (Rp175,000 per night). Though we were not satisfied with the guest house, but at least it provides hot shower and air-condition.

Immediately, after putting our luggage, we rushed for our dinner. Everyone was hungry. We had decided to fill our stomach first and looking for our two-more-day accommodation in Jogjakarta. We went into a restaurant named Bakso Ato'y for our dinner. We ordered local food such as Soto (Rp6,500), Nasi Soto Ayam (Rp6,000), Lumpia Ayam Semarang (Rp10,000). Everything was delicious except Lumpia (like popiah) which was not of my favourite because of its taste but you must try. Well, they also offer different beverages with cute name. Do try out especially the ice blended one should help to quench your thirst.

Finding Guest House…
After filling our stomach, we started to find guest house. Along Jln CCC, there were a lot of guest houses, some cheap but room condition was lousy, some expensive a bit and room condition was fantastic but either full-house or not enough to fulfill our needs of 5 rooms. At last, we found Gloria Amanda Guest house. It’s a bit further in but the condition all fulfill our expectation - it’s clean and the bed is so comfortable to sleep on. So we decided to take this guest house for the next two days in jogjakarta. Hurray, everyone could go back guest house and took a rest now.

Before we could go to bed, we still had one thing needed to be arranged – our journey tomorrow, we did not have final words yet. So, after taking bath, we had a very short meeting. Haha…as everyone was tired and sleepy, we took very best solution for tomorrow’s journey. Agreed on a budget, we decided to break into three teams and survey the price around the area in 20 minutes’ time.

Then, no more then lo…meeting was dismissed. Couldn’t wait one more minute to rest our body, free our mind and nurture our soul…for a better enjoyable tomorrow travel journey. Guys were opposite our room. We warned them not to make big noisy snoring and disturb our beauty sleep…oyasumi…

To be continued.

Photography: The fellowship of Jogja-Solo

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Idiot, Hit & Run

I parked my little mouse deer at the roadside to get something for my friend this afternoon. When I tried to cross the road, an idiot (f%&$# lorry bastard WLY 32*) who was trying to make a reverse, knocked on my little mouse deer. I couldn’t stop him and was shocked seeing the scene. I did not know how to react in a second. Second later, when I was back to the reality, I went into the car and made a horn. But the idiot felt nothing at all and left the spot. Seeing his lorry leaving, I was puzzled there, should I go and get thing for my friend? Drive my car and chase the idiot? Or go and lodge a report? So confusing at that moment.

Looking at my little mouse deer, the front bonnet was sagged and scratched slightly. Heart broken, of course. Thinking back of it, most fortunately, I am still myself without any injury. I should be grateful and feel being blessed by GOD. Spend a little for a healthy me is nothing. Thanks GOD!

Still, back to that idiot, I was very angry and shivering a bit at that moment because the idiot ignored everything and just drove off. Did he really feel nothing when he banged into my little mouse deer? The sound was loud, to me. Arggghhhh…I couldn’t do anything, just pity on my little mouse deer. Last time also experienced hit and run by a motorbiker. Now, my little mouse deer is scratched everywhere...sighing...

Emm...GOD will be watching these idiots for everything they had done. They will be responsible and would get the paid one day… (cursing the idiots!)

Monday, August 20, 2007




当我们浩浩荡荡的往着布城出发,原来四面八方的人都涌着去观看着第一届国际烟花赛。到处都是水泄不通,路边堆满车辆,不只双泊车(double-parking) 甚至于三泊车 (triple-parking)。难以想象待会儿那些车辆如何出入。大家的重点都不在于此吧,在乎于待会儿的烟花表演如何缤纷夺目咯!


随着音乐的伴奏下,一会儿天空成了花的海洋;一会儿色彩斑斓花瓣撒满天空,零零散散落下;一会儿我国的国花-大红花,迎风盛放在你眼前;还有那迷人的金色瀑布,又有冲天花,直冲而上,在高空射出万道金光。。。等等,煞是好看!甚是壮观!一炮接一炮,造型各异的烟花让每个人都目不转睛, 嘴角上扬,哇声不绝,喜悦的讯息不断的在空气中传播。

整整二十分钟的烟花表演,每个人都愣在那儿,无暇于其它思想。这一场闪耀的烟花非常独特,不是平时可观赏到的。整个烟花的程序,从烟花的发射、上升、产生至消失,应该是牵涉非常精心的策划和设置,以至于呈现这么一幅色彩缤纷既有次序的画面。 哈,有多复杂就不得而知啦,我只知道这一场烟花让我心花怒放,似乎把我带回了天真烂漫的童年。




Friday, August 17, 2007


带顾客去一间诊疗所要向医生拿医药报告。我还是第一次遇见如此脾气火爆的医生。一进去,“做什么?” 我试着解说状况,没听我把话说完,他就质问我“你身为代理的,不知道病人的资料不可以随便外泄的吗?我很忙,不会现在帮你写报告。你先回去,我叫护士通知你。。。”


我吞着那一股生气,没气地对他说,“那好,我会把顾客同意书交给护士,就麻烦您准备那医药报告。” 说完没道谢,我就开门走出去了。若我生病,见你一次面,应该不会再关顾你下一回!咳。。。见这么多医生,我还是第一次见到像你这样一位医生,还让我滚火的那种,跟你气,别人会说我跟你一般见识,免了!


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Jogja-Solo, One Millionaire Trip

YES! This is the moment that I have been waiting for long. Time to fly, time to walk away from hassle life. Woke up at 3am because our flight is 6.55am. We need to reach there one and half hour earlier.

Day 1 ~ 26.07.07 (Thursday)
The Boarding…
Haha, a very beautiful opening for our trip to Borobudur. Our departure…an unforgettable one. Everyone felt like so relax, nobody worried about the time for boarding. 6.30am, some of the members were still enjoying breakfast in Mc D.

“Attention please, calling for Gate T1, flight AK 996, Mr Chan Chee Ming, Ms Er Chin Chin, Mr Hoh Cheng Meng, Ms Lee Kah Nyee, Ms Lee Lei Kuen, Mr Leong Cheng Leng, Ms Pang Fui Chin, Ms Shirley Cheong Yen Ling, Mr Teh Sin Wei and Ms Yeo Chooi Tsien, please…”

We were so puzzled when heard about the calling of our name. Looking at our watch, opps, it’s almost time for the flight to depart. All passengers in the plane were waiting for us. While rushing for boarding, the scanning for our small backpacks was slow, that had made each of us so excited.

We would be the cause of delay for the flight. The flight could have just left us behind but all of us on board safely for our Borobudur…cheers! You know, being the last 10 persons to get into the flight, we were ushered by the stewardesses, feeling ourselves like VIP…no kidding! Ho ho ho…but no next time, please!

Welcome to Solo…
825am, we reached Solo airport. Time difference for Solo and Malaysia is one hour. Emm…I don’t know how is the check-in area look like for a small place. Solo airport appears to be a real simple one. Someone was waiting for us outside the airport. We were lined up for the loo coz the journey to Borobudur would take 1 to 1 ½ hours.

The journey to hotel…
We were traveling along the narrow kampong road with many paddy fields. Comfortable to see these greenish scenes rather than buildings…real eye washing for the dirt and dust in town!

Nap after nap, we were still looking forward for our destination today. The driver told us 1 to 1 ½ hours, why we were still on the road?

11.30am, finally we reached Manohara hotel after two-hour driving journey. Manohara hotel is the only hotel in Borobudur. So, you have no alternative but have to pay higher rate for the room (Double-bed Rp351,000, Twin-sharing Rp368,500).

Easing the hunger…
Ding dong ding dong almost an hour, Lyn Lyn, the head of the team, had helped us arranged today’s activity. The stomach was making noise now. Without second thought, our first meal in Borobudur – took place in Sunrise Corner Coffee Shop inside the hotel. Nasi Goreng Special (Rp21,500) and Sprite in bottle (Rp6,000). Emm…yummy yummy…the chicken was real kampong chicken, tan gar le wei!
After restored energy level, we started our exploring to Candi Borobudur. The temple will be closed at 6pm. Some members who made this trip purposely for photography could have asked more time to fill their hunger of photography.

Few of us who were not so much into photography, took very short time to explore the whole temple and we had more leisure time to take a rest in the cooling area of the temple. While waiting for other team members who would like to devour the whole temple into their camera, we were making fun around ourselves too. Ho ho ho…they had their fun, we had our fun! Every minute was worth to treasure, no time for boring.

I thought Ming Zai, Ton Ton, Tai Meng, Lyn Lyn and Ney-Ho could create a 3D Borobudur using those picture taken by them. No jokes, compared to their professional standard in taking photo, ours is baby-shooting la. Sure, they need more time to feel, to find their angle and inspiration…strictly no disturbing!

6pm, the sky became darker. We left the temple. Time to clean ourselves and time to fill the stomach again.

Found out from the hotel staff, we walked to the nearby “warung” for local food. We tried fish, chicken, vege, potato at Padang Raya. Wow…the chili looked like so-so, but it was spicy hot! The vege appeared to be very raw but not at all and it was acceptable. The potato, my favourite!

The stomach was still left with some space. So, we tried kacang (Rp2,000 one packet) and chicken sate (10 sates Rp10,000) wrapped with banana leaf which reserved the traditional taste at the street mamak.. The kacang was lousy a bit, some cooked, some not. The sate tasted okay but fat meat could have spoiled your appetite if you never like fat meat.

Visual Audio…
We were entitled a free visual audio for Borobudur story prepared by the hotel. After watching the audio, it had made our visit to Borobudur more meaningful. With every carving on the stone of the wall of the temple, it carries different story and lesson to the human. The carving on the stone has become blurred day by day due to sun and rain. Without the help of audio, I don’t think you could know it’s the story about the king, the lion, the cat, the two-headed bird, and so on.
Mission completed for today. 10pm, time for bed. We need to wake up at 4am tomorrow for Borobudur sunrise which has cost us Rp102,500. We must rest well to catch the best sunrise tomorrow morning. Oyasumi…

To be continued…

Thursday, July 05, 2007


如果二零零七要颁“最白痴奖”,那这奖项就一定非我莫属。原因很简单,因为我连搭轻快铁都会迷路。就讲今天就已经够白痴了。从Hang Tuah 要去Pudu Rakyat,我都上下火车好几轮。目的地是Pudu Rakyat,售票员还真没气回答我问的方向问题,就要我看他们放在柜台的指示(真差劲,这样就是待客之道吗?回家吧,别在那儿干活啊,干嘛摆一副不耐烦的样子,我若懂,才懒得问你呢!哼!)

我以为Pudu Rakyat就该在Pudu 站下车。问了那儿的一位乘客,告诉我说Pudu 有停车,我飞快地跑去对岸,就这样我来到Plaza Rakyat。咦,不对啊,我要去Pudu站,错了,我下车过了对面再等下一趟火车。上了车,坐了两个站,我是来到Pudu站啦。妈啊,那不就是我上一回下错站,还被迫搭巴士才去到同善医院吗!真的很忙,我又回头,等下一趟火车。

啊,我快要疯了,怎么连指示牌都还会看错,下一站却到了Chan Sau Lin。急死我了,我拉了一位马来妹问她怎么搭去Pudu Rakyat。她都还蛮好奇的,问我是不是睡着了,怎么错过了三个站才发现自己做错火车。我该怎么回答呢?告诉她我是白痴吗?告诉她我不会读指示牌吗?看我愣了一会儿,她却略有领悟,在那儿开始笑我。啊,真是丢脸! 掌轻快铁的Uncle们不知道有没有看到有一个女孩子在那儿忙着上车又下车,上车又下车。。。怎么这么忙?RM1.20 还真值得!

我啊,驾车走错路还讲司空见惯,朋友都知道我的毛病。这下子嘛,搭轻快铁也会错(虽不是第一次,但这次最糟糕吧!),我不得不认自己的遭遇还真够经典,有谁能媲比? 我自己都摇头,真糟糕!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Peugeot ah wei...

Sometimes in our life, something just happened until when you think back of it, you feel so funny and laugh at yourself. Haha…just like today is a funny one. I was in the car talking to my friend, Uma and waiting for the traffic light to turn green. When I turned my head to the right, I saw the man who was inside the car beside me, he was showing me the hand sign up and down, like telling me to push down or lower something. I didn’t get what he meant at the first place and the first impression I got was looking back at my own car, checking if I had made mistake or if there’s something wrong with my car.

When I made sure that my car is of good condition, I looked him back, he’s still showing me the same hand sign. Aha, this time he lowered his car window, then I understood that he wanted me to lower my car window. When I lowered my car window, he asked “Miss, did you know where’s Pizza Hut?” I told him “oh, yes, go further down, you’ll see it at your right.” After he thanked me, the light turned to green. Both of us looked at each other and burst into laugh, and realized that the man in the car was quite a looker and he was driving a Peugeot. COOL! Peugeot with a looker ah wei...both of us had the same thought in that second – “let’s go to Pizza Hut and have our second round” and burst out laughing again. Sighing...we missed the guy...

Haha…this is not the first time that this kind of funny scenario happened to me. Just few months ago, when I was in front of the traffic light nearby Eastin Hotel, I was listening to the radio and heard as like someone was horning. I looked at the rearview mirror, turned to the left and saw the Indian lady in the car beside me was actually horning at me. And then, she asked me to lower the window, pointed her hand and shouted “where did you buy your glove?” Aha…I was shocked at the first place, but very soon I replied her “From the night market.” “Where?” “Night market at Chao Yang.” “Oh, thank you.” I was still puzzled with that scene when I continued my journey.

Emm…why did it happen? Because I’m a blur queen? I couldn’t tell but it just happened out of my mind. For any reason it could be, these incidences eventually put up a smile on my face and cheer up my day :D

Say “Cheers!”

Thursday, June 28, 2007


六月十六日,我和一班认识又一半不大认识的朋友一起到郊外 – Sungai Chongkak 露营去。那可是我生平的第一次露营,国中时虽有当过童子军,可就没试过到郊外露营,想必应该会好好玩吧!
时间大概是三时左右,我们一行十一人便抵达目的地 - Sungai Chongkak。脚都还没站稳那片土地上,老天竟不作美下起大雨点来了。大伙儿匆匆忙忙地把带来的行李、吃的、用的都一一搬下车,急速的往露营棚方向跑。


哈。。。在那小小空间可以做什么呢?嘛就是吃咯!吃完就讲咯,讲完又再讲咯!本来分别在两个露营棚的人,后来要凑大热闹,就干脆十一人都坐进一个大露营棚内。还好有三个名嘴主持人- 阿绵妲,珂莉和晶晶在那儿喋喋不休讲个不停,让大伙儿虽身在紧闭的空间内,还感觉到相当娱乐搞笑。










Monday, June 25, 2007







Wednesday, May 30, 2007








妈,我只知道今生今世,有您有我!嗯,不要只记得关心你的孩子而忘了自己。要吃好好、睡饱饱、笑多多、乐开怀; 更要身体健康、要幸福哦!

Friday, April 27, 2007

First Quarter of 2007@零七的第一季

First quarter of 2007 has come to its end, what have you done so far? Have you achieved 25% of what you have planned? Aha…me? Let me scan through my own route map, how far have I gone…

1. Highlight of the year! Business is on the track. If compared to last year, I have performed better, but it’s still not good enough for year 2007 goal. Of course, with a lot of pressure to tackle! Ganbatte kudasai!

2. After one year in financial planning industry, I can still maintain my weight. What a relief! Most of friends in the same line or even different field gain weight easily! Approaching to thirty-aged group, must keep and maintain! Dynamic yoga does help in somewhere :P More exercise for healthier lifestyle, keep up!

3. Yea…now I’m better on the road direction? Should be…Cheras, Puchong, Subang, Damansara Jaya, Bukit Bintang, Kepong…etc are all in my list of memories. Still, I’d get lost somehow (night time especially), I’m a girl, what to do :P Will work harder!

4. My first travel destination was a 2-day-1-night free trip to Bukit Merah/Taiping offered by Ting. So good to be your housemate! Even it’s local but it’s something to me. Moreover, it’s Visit Malaysia Year! A great start! Go go go, holidays! More will come…

5. Cooking? Oh no, so long I did not touch kitchen utensils! Eat outside most of the time, no wonder less appetite recently! Em…will spare some time to cook a meal to reward myself. Cooking is such a fun thing to do, can’t afford to miss it!

6. Fruit? Feel so sorry on this. Hardly to see myself eating fruit. Must change! Em…go and shop for fruits this weekend. A thousand milestones start with a single step! I know I can do it! Everyday is a fruity day! Just do it!

7. Still dehydrate! No wonder my face does not appear to be watery at all! Must learn to drink more water… 8 glasses per day! Yam Seng!

8. Found a new motive for my life! While you are working hard at one corner of the world, I’ll do my best too here! You are my new motivational idol now! Yo…let’s move on!

Well, too much to be mentioned here. The main point is: it’s not the matter of how much you have achieved; It’s the matter of how much you have learnt? How much you have grown up? So, keep your 2007 dream and hit the bull’s eye this year! Yo yo...go go!

Learning process: Learnt, unlearn and learn.
Picture taken in Bukit Merah Orang Utan Village.

二零零七的第一季已到尾声,你表现得如何?已达到你所计划的25% 了吗?啊哈,自己呢?让我看看自己的旅程,到底走了多远啦。。。


2.在财务规划领域已有一年了,还可以保持自己的体重,真是放下心头大石啦!许多同领域或不同领域的朋友好多都向横发展哦,真是怕怕!快要进入三十阶段的人士咧,可要好好儿保持咯!多亏有律动瑜伽 :P 多多运动,自然健康也多多,加油!

3.噎。。。方向感是否好一点啦?还好吧!焦赖, 浦种, 疏邦, 白沙罗再也, 武吉免登、甲洞等等都在我脑海地图记忆里了。虽然,偶尔还是会迷路(尤其是晚上),没法子,我是小女子一个 :P 会更尽全力的啦!







Friday, April 13, 2007

Green or Orange?

Paying Hugo lou sai a visit this afternoon. So pleasure that he made 2 glasses of nutritious beverage for me, with one in green and the other one in orange. Haha…what are the ingredients needed to make these wonderful tasty beverages? Let me reveal lou sai’s secret here. He said wanna open stall and sell. After all the recipes being told here, don’t blame me for no business oh, lou sai. Free publicity for you!

To blend a green nutritious beverage, you’ll need cucumber, bell pepper, bitter gourd, apple and celery. While, to make orange nutritious beverage, you’ll need orange, pineapple and carrot (oppss, should be three items kua, I have forgotten :P). One more secret: you must use transparent glass for either one of the beverage as that will enhance the feel and increase appetite.

Well, for green beverage, the taste may appear to be a little strange (with vege and bitter taste) to you. So, to make the beverage taste better and smoother, you could add a little bit of cooked sweet-sour plum water. As for the orange one, the taste is just fabulous coz it’s sweet and sour, yummy, yummy!

Lou sai said after one week’s intake couple with exercise, he has experienced some weight loss. So, if you were to go for weight loss and health gain, go for the nutritious beverage now. Green or orange, you can order from Hugo lou sai at 012-234 xxxx. He sure will entertain your order before he clean the juice mixer once a day :P!

p/s: Didn’t run into toilet after these 2 glasses of nutritious beverages. Haha…lou sai, 2 more, please!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mama’s Daughter

Thinking back what mama had told me when i was a kid is quite true today. When I was a little girl, she always told me that I should learn how to tidy up the house, learn to cook, learn this, learn that, bla bla bla…else, you yourself would be suffering in the future. Well, normally you and I would keep their “nagging” for nothing. Let it flew in from the left and out directly from the right.

Of course, during that time, helping her to clean and cut some vegetables or meats were the simplest and the only thing I knew. Often, I helped for nothing good as she would complain that I had cut into the wrong size, wrong shape and even wrong line. Have you ever noticed that the meat that we eat everyday has those thin lines? If you didn’t notice those thin lines and simply do the cutting, it’d affect the taste and the texture. Haha…bet you’d never heard about it. Lots of theories came out from my mama and I’d taken it for fun. Therefore, most of the time, I’d choose to watch TV rather than helping her in the kitchen. Just couldn’t bear with all her “nagging”.

Somehow, I have felt what mama said last time proven to be true now. Since working, I stay outside. Chance to taste home-cook is obviously reduced. As I don’t even master 10% of her cooking skill (haha...what I cook is really meant for myself, you're not going to eat that coz the taste was @$#!&), I have to eat outside almost every day. Frankly, those mamak foods really could make me less appetite. Emm…too much of Ajinomoto, though.

Since my neighbour changes to this grandma-aunty, every time when I walking to my house after work, I’d have smelt nice and delicious dishes or soup cooked by her. Thinking of the meal I have taken or looking at the food I've bought, that grandma-aunty’s cooking smell really makes me thinking of my mama, makes me truly homesick (not to deny, I’m always a homesick gal :P)! I want go home!

Ah…how long have I not back to hometown? Not long, just more than a week’s time. But, mama, I’m missing your cook deeply. I wanna go home and eat whatever you cook for me, be it a simple mee sua soup with a fried egg. That'll be the most delicious food in the world!

Haha, how can I grow up like this? Always a mama’s daughter! Well, who bother? If there were option given, I believe most of us wanted to be a mama's daughter or mama's son for wholelife, being pampered in her arms all the time. Isn't it the happiness that not easily pursued in the world? Haha...whatever, I still choose to be a mama's daughter :P

Wednesday, April 11, 2007






Sunday, April 08, 2007


若是坐在电视前观看F1,我想我不用一会儿就可以打瞌睡或已经转换去下一台了。哈!倘若你有机会去到世界一级方程式赛车(F1)现场,保证气氛全然不同。四月八日,生平第一次前往F1赛车场,票是免费的(ING赞助Renault,我达到所需的目标,拿了张免费票 :P),总得去体验一下吧!





哇。。。怎么我的鼻子这么红?没照镜子还不知道,一看到镜中的自己真的会吓一跳。哈哈。。。都是世界一级方程式赛车(F1)留下的后遗症。 F1啊喂!



Wednesday, March 21, 2007









p/s: 迟完成的部落,迟来的祝福,希望你不会介意。三八生日快乐,愿你每一秒每一刻都被幸福环绕着!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Life Scribbles

Life is Confusing
For many efforts you have been putting in, it may eventually bring nothing to you. Well, life is all about give and take. You don’t ask for return every time you give, don’t you? For many thing you have done, God would have bestowed you with something that you couldn’t see. "It may not happen today, but later". Am I too stubborn to believe that to be true? Or I just wanna make myself to believe what I believe? Life is confusing, most of the time…

Life is a Nut
No matter how many times you have undergone one same experience, you’d still feeling one kind when the same incidence happened again. Thereafter, trying to find all sorts of reasons and excuses to convince your heart to believe what you want it to be. What are you trying to deny? If it’s the matter of fact, then just take it easy! Gosh, if life were to be so easy, why were there so many people gone mad? Life is a nut, sometimes…

Life is a FOOL
The effort you have made may not be seen by someone else; someone else may have taken your place instead. The cover is always wrapped nicely to have its better impression. How about the inner? The content? Is it of what you want? We were told “don’t judge thing by its cover”. In fact, how many have been a fool? When you use your heart to judge, would you really could see the real value of one thing or even a person? Life is a fool, all the time…

Life is a Play
To win the games, I could have played a trick; I could have played the gimmick. But, conscience keeps telling me not to be. The reality is people who played the trick won the games. Thus, I was the loser of this game. Back to the basic, if you were to win a battle, you must first know how to play your role, play smart trick. While, pity with those who have to put a mask on their face most of the time? How suffering? Life is a play, infinite time…

Life is a Circle
For anything that you want in life, you must first learn how to let it go. For if it's yours, it will eventually turns back to you. For if it never turns back to you, you have never had it before. Try to be a new-born baby again. Unlearn and learn. That will make you grow faster and unlimitedly. Life is a circle, timeless...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007



Friday, February 23, 2007





Tuesday, January 30, 2007


兜了两个小时,约好顾客的时间已经是迟了,还不在话下。竟然,约好的Menara Bumidaya 和Menara Dayabumi摆个大乌龙。这个话题已不再是新鲜事了。不要讲是自己,身边的人都拿我没策。少费心思了,应该是病入膏肓,无药可救的地步。真白痴!一个字 —“笨”,还要加“死了”—“笨死了”!




Friday, January 26, 2007





Sunday, January 14, 2007



诚实,是人与人之间关系的基石。如果一段关系建立在谎言之上,就如同在沙地上筑塔,看似巍峨,却经不起一丝风吹雨打。一旦谎言被揭穿,信任崩塌,关系便如断线的风筝,飘摇不定,甚至一发不可收拾,最终坠入无尽的深渊。 两个人若想携手共创未来,路途漫漫,唯有坦诚相待,方能让心与心真正靠近。诚...