Friday, April 13, 2007

Green or Orange?

Paying Hugo lou sai a visit this afternoon. So pleasure that he made 2 glasses of nutritious beverage for me, with one in green and the other one in orange. Haha…what are the ingredients needed to make these wonderful tasty beverages? Let me reveal lou sai’s secret here. He said wanna open stall and sell. After all the recipes being told here, don’t blame me for no business oh, lou sai. Free publicity for you!

To blend a green nutritious beverage, you’ll need cucumber, bell pepper, bitter gourd, apple and celery. While, to make orange nutritious beverage, you’ll need orange, pineapple and carrot (oppss, should be three items kua, I have forgotten :P). One more secret: you must use transparent glass for either one of the beverage as that will enhance the feel and increase appetite.

Well, for green beverage, the taste may appear to be a little strange (with vege and bitter taste) to you. So, to make the beverage taste better and smoother, you could add a little bit of cooked sweet-sour plum water. As for the orange one, the taste is just fabulous coz it’s sweet and sour, yummy, yummy!

Lou sai said after one week’s intake couple with exercise, he has experienced some weight loss. So, if you were to go for weight loss and health gain, go for the nutritious beverage now. Green or orange, you can order from Hugo lou sai at 012-234 xxxx. He sure will entertain your order before he clean the juice mixer once a day :P!

p/s: Didn’t run into toilet after these 2 glasses of nutritious beverages. Haha…lou sai, 2 more, please!


Steven Tan said...

Weight Loss??? sure or not??!! let test 1st la, if i loss weight ha, then only can prove it's really "powderful"~~~ dun pray pray hor...

ting said...

e.... the green one not yet drink oredi no appetite. Orange one still acceptable as it's looked like the carrot milk. Of course will lose weight, after u took tis weird drink, where got appetite to take somemore food?

陈志胜 said...

Got durian one or not?

捷克。戰役 said...

wei... dun trust tat lao sai hugo la... he realy is lao sai man lai e...

joeyeo said...

haha..steven, then u must ask lou sai to prepare the drink for ur "inspection" n "approval" :P

ting, green one really "raw-taste", not all can bear wt tat. less appetitie after tat, make sense too :P

wow, durian ah? 子捷,u create one lo. but i dunno who dares to try :P ur lou po?

oh ya, lam ma. great to c u here leh...missing u de ne...yo yo...lao sai man! kekeke...

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