Thursday, March 08, 2007

Life Scribbles

Life is Confusing
For many efforts you have been putting in, it may eventually bring nothing to you. Well, life is all about give and take. You don’t ask for return every time you give, don’t you? For many thing you have done, God would have bestowed you with something that you couldn’t see. "It may not happen today, but later". Am I too stubborn to believe that to be true? Or I just wanna make myself to believe what I believe? Life is confusing, most of the time…

Life is a Nut
No matter how many times you have undergone one same experience, you’d still feeling one kind when the same incidence happened again. Thereafter, trying to find all sorts of reasons and excuses to convince your heart to believe what you want it to be. What are you trying to deny? If it’s the matter of fact, then just take it easy! Gosh, if life were to be so easy, why were there so many people gone mad? Life is a nut, sometimes…

Life is a FOOL
The effort you have made may not be seen by someone else; someone else may have taken your place instead. The cover is always wrapped nicely to have its better impression. How about the inner? The content? Is it of what you want? We were told “don’t judge thing by its cover”. In fact, how many have been a fool? When you use your heart to judge, would you really could see the real value of one thing or even a person? Life is a fool, all the time…

Life is a Play
To win the games, I could have played a trick; I could have played the gimmick. But, conscience keeps telling me not to be. The reality is people who played the trick won the games. Thus, I was the loser of this game. Back to the basic, if you were to win a battle, you must first know how to play your role, play smart trick. While, pity with those who have to put a mask on their face most of the time? How suffering? Life is a play, infinite time…

Life is a Circle
For anything that you want in life, you must first learn how to let it go. For if it's yours, it will eventually turns back to you. For if it never turns back to you, you have never had it before. Try to be a new-born baby again. Unlearn and learn. That will make you grow faster and unlimitedly. Life is a circle, timeless...

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