Wednesday, March 15, 2006

MY StYLE-loh

All walks of life carry their very individual style
Different man, diversified fields, distinctive roles
Distinguished characters, dissimilar feels and styles
You carry yours, I carry mine
And don’t bother to cross my border!

Writers full of imagination, ask for quietness
(immerse in his own world that you can hardly understand)
Designers attempt for uniqueness, request creativeness
(this is what I want-loh, my STYLE, COOL leh!)
Programmers figure insane coding, demand no interruption
(one single mistake makes him gone crazily)
Salespersons thirst for sales volumn, yearn for repetition
(very good one, buy more-lah, tomorrow no more offer liao)
Artists desire for opportunity, dream for a-wish-come-true
(on stage: GOSH! (crying) I can’t believe it! Ah…I want to thank my family, thank…)

yeah…the style goes on from one person to another, on and on…

Oops…what about my style?
(very happy now, my turn at last)
Hah…talking about myself
Who am i? (quite confused no?!)
A translator? An editor? A PR? Going future, financial advisory?
(you work for how many jobs actually?)
Oh, I know I know
(I still remember my surname)

As a whole, I’m dealling with languages
(a very pretty thing to falling in love with)
English (ok for cheating to survive till today)
Chinese (standard six, no problem)
Malay (Malaysia BOLEH, I also BOLEH)
Hokkien (don’t bluff me, my mother language)
Cantonese (for god’ s sake, don’t laugh me)
Japanese (ohayoo, arigatoo, etc, can-lah)

And back to my style (yes, the main point here)
Translator likes playing jigsaw puzzle
Put word by word carefully to reach the meaning close to source text (insane job?)
Editor likes to pick mistake, change this change that
(in the sense to make better)
Find every single chance to make pin-point (no mistake no fun?)
And what about PR? What to do with languages?
You think easy? Must know to talk different languages, vary dialects
Meet tenlan, hwangkia, kilingkia, angmo
Including chabo, tapo, kinkia, auntie, uncle…
Walk the small talk, big talk, sweet talk or no talk at all (sien liao ma)
Have to use word properly and talk nicely
else, who wants to bother sitting there and listening to you
(pretending friend friend with you)
Not easy, not easy

Haha…and what’s happening now?
Yeah…I’m writing something here
translating my thought into language
Editing before posting this blog
Showing my skill and selling my story
And…Making you laughing like hell out there
(isn’t your mouth moving upward now?)

Hahaha… I’m nobody but still myself
still live with my own style-loh – blur blur JOey Yeo ;-)


momoko said...

Good to let go your frustration a colleague, i'm truly understand how u feel now!

风与石头 said...

yeah.... this is blur blur joey, blur queen's successor. she likes vege, she is my ah dear, she is the chairman of E Mei... she is she!

诚实,是人与人之间关系的基石。如果一段关系建立在谎言之上,就如同在沙地上筑塔,看似巍峨,却经不起一丝风吹雨打。一旦谎言被揭穿,信任崩塌,关系便如断线的风筝,飘摇不定,甚至一发不可收拾,最终坠入无尽的深渊。 两个人若想携手共创未来,路途漫漫,唯有坦诚相待,方能让心与心真正靠近。诚...