Thursday, February 16, 2006

thE rOAd NOt tAkEn

Alternatives for life…
To help someone “building his castle”, or starting your own biz
To think optimistically, or pessimistically
To lead the cheerful sunshine day, or the blueish stormy day
To be fun around in the crowd, or keep isolated for quietness
To utter your love to that special one, or to keep your feeling in heart
To access shortcut for success, or to take the challenging one?

When confronting with a diverging path
Many of us were in the dilemma…
Wondering, struggling, being unsure
You know that both are undesirable
You can only choose one or the other
Both lead to different experience and outcome
Which are unknown until you travel the path

Struck with decision
We look for the people surrounding us
Seeking for their advice, option, suggestion
To assure and ascertain the course of decision we made
Some days after that,
Would you yearn to go back
and take "The Road Not Taken”?
Were you be able to go back and change it?
As for me…
I’d appreciate the path I’ve taken all this while
'Cos that has made the difference and of who I am today

Try and enjoy the poem - The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
It always give me a feeling of sigh for life
What about you?

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