Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Gathering with some friends last night
Some of them quite often seen,
While others almost missing themselves after graduation
Excitedly updating and ‘teasing’ over each one’s current condition
We switched to the topic to someone who didn’t turn up
and someone who we have known during the uni days
Some of us could hardly “retrieve” the name
or even imagine the feature of that particular person

“How’s Catherine? I’ve not seen her for long long time”
“Met her recently. She has gained some weight”
“Hey, how’s that slim and sze man gal who always with you?”
“Err…Driving car? Which one?”
“Neh…sui sui one and you always spent time together one leh”
“With me…got car? Oh…Snowy, she’s in Taiping now.”
“How about another one with short hair but I can’t remember the name”
“Kelly? Clarice? Fun Fun?”
“Gosh, don’t know which one hit which one?
“Ah…one in Singapore, one in Penang and the other one in KL lor”
“Still remember who’s your roommate?”
“Of course, very boyish last time. Do you still keep in touch with her?”
“Yes, she becomes very feminine now.”
“I don’t know if I’ve overlooked this gal
who appeared in Fear Factor Malaysia first episod, is she Uma?”
“yeah yeah yeah…you are not mistaken, she’s the one!”
Lots and lots of sweet memories during the uni days
Just keep flashing through in our head…

It’s normal to forget someone who we seldom meet or speak
Somehow, I feel pity that this group of people
has been stored in our “temporary file”
Day by day, they may have become insignificant, forgotten
and being deleted from the memory
Not to blaming anyone
coz everyone is busying with own bustle of life
at different corner of the world
It’s pretty hard to get everyone together at one time
But if you keep missing yourself in the gathering
I believe you’d be left out from the contact list

My fellow friend out there
Not matter how busy you are
Do appear yourself in some of the gatherings held
Don’t keep waiting for other friend to call
Be proactive
Don’t forget the simplest keep-in-touch way – email or sms
It’s only one-click of button to send your warmth regards
and most important, remind your friend about your existence!
Bet you don’t want your friends talking something funny
while you were not there
Do you?

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诚实,是人与人之间关系的基石。如果一段关系建立在谎言之上,就如同在沙地上筑塔,看似巍峨,却经不起一丝风吹雨打。一旦谎言被揭穿,信任崩塌,关系便如断线的风筝,飘摇不定,甚至一发不可收拾,最终坠入无尽的深渊。 两个人若想携手共创未来,路途漫漫,唯有坦诚相待,方能让心与心真正靠近。诚...