Friday, December 25, 2009



后来发现(还好发现得早哦!),三十的力量是闪烁的,可以犹如太阳般灿烂。这一年的走来,学习好多,成长很多。原来,自己的潜能已进入另一个阶段了(虽然我还是blur blur的,容易上当的),观看事情的思维模式,处理方式都不一样了。


话说这位圣诞美女约了blur queen,我,在Sri Rampai吃饭,顺道聊些投资的选择。我也闲着,圣诞节也没有什么特别节目(人老了,没力气与年轻人争热闹了),就一口答应了。

去载了圣诞美女就前往一家她说好好吃的餐厅去。去到这家叫做San Francisco的餐厅就找位子坐嘛。圣诞美女就走前几步与服务员谈了几句。吖?十个人的预订座位?这下,我呆在那儿。。。怎么会十个人呢?真的是一下子反应不过来。哦。。。原来圣诞美女静悄悄地为我安排了一个庆生聚会。哇,我还是愣在那儿的,心里是感动得说不出口。圣诞节嘛,大多数都有各自的活动,更何况大多数的朋友都回家啦,与爱人庆祝圣诞节啦,好好儿在家里悠闲一番啦,怎么会有时间来陪我这个孤单的人?

大伙儿陆陆续续地到达餐厅。看到他们,我心里是无比的感动与开心。还有一位我的偶像也捧场哦!叮!就是DJ 峰!他人不是很舒服,都这么赏脸,真的感动不及,难以启齿!啊。。。这一份最佳礼物是我收到这么多礼物里最贵的一份,无价!


谢谢Tracy, Yan, Ting, Steven,Feng Zai, Chen Yi, Syuen, Alvin 和 Fun, 还有拿相机的明仔:D 不忘其他虽然没有出席的朋友和提早与我庆生的朋友,我也有感受到你们满满的祝福。大家,谢啦!


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Morning Kick Off

Oh, morning again? You are forced to wake up yourself from sweet dream? Freshen up and ready for work? Golden time for another new day ahead to earn a living?

Emm...the world isn't so dull. I personally come to realise lately what I love to do in the morning. Enjoying a fresh hot beverage to fill up the empty stomach and sitting in front of TV, no news of course, but a ten-minute comedy show will be sufficient to do a good laugh for a sunshine day kick off! Try it. Am pratising it everyday now. It really makes a whole brighter day ahead :D CHEERS!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

4 telur, 1 roti telur

Three Singapore colleagues came to Malaysia for a week. They went to a mamak cafe nearby office for breakfast every morning. This morning, two of the colleagues wanted 2 boiled eggs each. Since two of them couldn't speak Bahasa Melayu, the order had to be made by another colleague who is Malaysian but speaking very limited Bahasa Melayu. The colleague who made the order wanted a "roti telur", so she ordered "4 telur, 1 roti telur".

When the boy served them the breakfast, all of them were puzzled looking at the folding roti. Guess what was served? Ding! The fella served them with 1 giant roti telur with 4 eggs inside!

Hope this real life story bright up your day! I was laughing till dropping my tears! How come the fella being so creative taking such an order and able to come out with this genius roti for the customer and daring to serve without second thought. wahahaha....

Monday, June 22, 2009

What the hell?!

Ever lent people money, and there's no way you get back your money? What do you good when you are being so kind, so considerable? How much does this good heart worth?

Would this borrower ever feel shame? Would this borrower ever take the initiative to call you up telling you when he/she's going to pay you back?

NEVER! They'll only make you feeling SUCK! The borrower never bother how's your life gonna be. They won't pay you even they have money. Instead, they pay for other thing for their better life.

So, what the hell being so good?! You give the TRUST, people take it as SHIT! Start to be evil today? NO Money NO Talk?! World of Realistic? World of Materialistic? World of Cruel? It's world of PISSED OFF!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Soh Po Anniversary (Part 2)

Final Destination ~ Johor Bahru

Our next destination was Johor Bahru. It's been years i didn't visit the place. How has it become? I hardly can imagine.

Well, felt real great pleasure to have Steven as our guide (Ting couldn't join us coz she needed to take care the little prince - Feng Zai :D) as we didn't plan anything at all to be there except got the hotel to be booked.

Eat, Eat, Eat and EAT! need GPS to tour around JB as we had Steven as our walking GPS, no more recalculating and recalculating...ho ho ho!

First, we got to eat the homemade dumpling by Steven's mom. The most important ingredient used is the spicy shrimp! Ho Chak where you can't get it anywhere else :P Don't be jealous :P We're just lucky enough

What we had next? yo's well-known ABC topping with chocolate! Heard about it from Steven for so many years and finally i got to taste it! Tauhu Bakar, big and juicy, different from KL one woh, u must get it tried!

Tracy dear and I were so full now. Haha...guess what we did the next minute? Steven took us exercise in Istana Johor. One of the places where he's dating with Ting last time oh! It's also one of the hot spots for the just-married to take their photos here! We saw three couples shooting photos there, so, what do you think? A lot of people jogging there and we appeared to be the odd one, absolutely, as we're not on our sport attires but with sandals :D Well, if you've completed one big circle in the Istana, that means you have done your visit to the zoo as well coz it's just next door! Cool, isn't it?

And then, we sat down on the grass, enjoying the opposite view of Singapore while the wind kept blowing our faces. Just nice! Okay, good exercise for the day. Now, we still had something special which is highly recommended but not yet put into our stomach. Ding...Tampoi Laksa and Si Ham! It's as great as described by Steven. So, you must try if you happened to be in JB.

Well, now we truly full till we needed more walks. So, we're heading to Danga Bay. Couldn't recall how the old bay appeared to me but I believe the new renovated one now is more happening. We had our leisure walk and sat down when we got tired. Not so windy, though. So? We had our beers to cool down :D

By ten, we're all exhausted. Time to call it a day! It's one great day exploring places in JB and of course the FOOD! It's F1 racing day in Monaco, I didn't even able to watch the whole race as my eyes were too tired. Less than 20 mins, I was asleep till the morning!

The next morning, last before we left JB, after few rounds of finding, we at last got to devour the tasty Kuih Teow Kia! Yeh, one satisfatory soh po anniversary trip!

Arigatoo ne
Thanks for the super warm hospitality from Steven and Ting when we're around JB. It's not as simple as you're exploring Malacca. JB is BIG, everything is BIG! And not forgetting my great travel accompanion - Tracy dear, to make this trip so wonderful, enjoyable and memorable! Lap u x1000000000...n

Remark: See pictures at

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Soh Po Anniversary (Part 1)

It's Soh Po's 1st Anniversary. Last year we chose Cherating, Kuantan. This year we went to something historical - Malacca & everything is big - Johor Bahru.

First Desination ~ Malacca

Accommodation ~ Discovery
First, we must find a place to stay in for the night. Nevertheless, it seemed like all hotels that we chose were fully-booked. Surprisingly, we found "Discovery Cafe" at Jalan Bunga Raya. No harm to walk in and have a look how discovery it is since we're so tired searching around.

Real discovery! We'd to walk pass by a narrow corridor to reach the new wing of the guesthouse as all rooms in the old wing were occupied. Found out it's merely a two-week newly renovated before our arrival. Everything is brand new and clean. We're the first to launch "open ceremony" for the room. Happily, we booked the room (fan + air-cond) for two for RM5o. Great deal!
Check out if you want to know more about the guesthouse.

Eating all the way~
Time to eat all the way out. We ate almost every two hours. From Jalan Tun Sri Lanang Hainanese Chicken Rice Ball to Makko Nyonya Food - Pong Teh, Tai Bak to Bukit Cina Cendol & Rojak to Capitol Satay amazing eating delicious...yummy yummy!

The next morning we continued our journey of eatings. Started our rich breakfast with all sorts of Nyonya kuih to Donald & Lily Nyonya Laksa and again tried out the famous Sun May Hiong Satay House - the Hainanese pork satay even we're so so full. And that we're so satisfied heading our next destination to Johor Bahru :D

Eyes on Malacca VS Eyes on Malaysia
We used GPS to assist us all the way exploring Malacca. Eye on Malaysia, see so near, yet so far. We spent nearly an hour to reach the destination. Whilst surprisingly, we reached nowhere but Eyes On Malacca!'s a wonderland for kids. We just realised that we're so carelessly chose Eyes on Malacca instead of Eyes on Malaysia in GPS. Since we're here, of course we'd pay it a visit and take some photos as it's facing Malacca River, not bad at all.

Next, we really found the Eyes on Malaysia. As it's too early to take the ride of ferris wheel, we're having a fun section of all jumping shooting at the seaside. Okay, it's sunset time, also the best time to ride the Eyes on Malaysia. Alright it's truly a terrifying experience for me as I'm so fear of height! Tracy dear kept divert my focus, but I kept changing my position in the big wheel as I got nervous when there's nothing behind me! Though, it's awesome!

When Eyes on Malaysia located in Titiwangsa, we didn't go for the ride. Now, we went all the way to Malacca to ride the Eyes...hahaha!

Jonker Street ~ Night Market
A truly surprise to me. Never know that it's gonna to be so happening and fresh with all sort of interesting cute stuffs. Irresistible! A wow-wow to me! While shopping around, we're eating around too. I think both of us spent at least RM150 just in the Jonker Street. First time in my life seeing hawkers run their business using pc in the night market...sounds cool, isn't it?

Oh Malacca...such a lovely historical place to be...haven't finished our exploring yet. Certainly will come again next time.

Remark: See pictures at

Friday, May 29, 2009


I saw a child aged around one year-old plus. She was so cute and sweet with a pink dress and a hat on. Looking at her enjoying the leisurely walk without care around the temple, I told myself why couldn’t I think and act the way she is – just be simple!

What does simple mean?
Does it mean you don’t have to think? The least not too much, though.
Does it mean that you follow your first instinct and just do it?
Would simple make the simple way for you?
Would simple make you look like a fool?
What's the standard of being simple?
How to be simple in simple way?

oh...Simple simple as it goes...
I'm still learning to be simple in all aspects of life :D

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thirst for Change again...

Time’s flying extremely fast.
Mom said she felt three days passed like an hour.
It’s second quarter now.
Another ten more days, enter the third quarter.

What have I done so far?
How far have I achieved?
What's my hesitation?
Have I tidied up my mind?
What can I do next to better my life?
When would I feel I'm enjoying a stable life?

I’m thirst for a change again.
For anytime,
I need fresh air
to rejuvenate, revitalize and rejoice myself.

Happy Family Outing @ Sepang Gold Coast

We postponed our family outing from Mother’s day to last Sunday. Don't have to get crowded with people and also pay extra charge for food. Well, got an idea from my friend saying that Sepang Gold Coast which is located at Bagan Lalang beach is a nice place to hanging around. So, I proposed to my family members and they all agreed.

This’s our first family outing, meaning that besides eating, we spent time for leisure walk and talk. Hardly to get all members in especially my brother needs to go Japan twice a year. So, last Sunday was a perfect time. 3 in 1 celebrations: Mother’s day, mom’s birthday and my brother’s birthday too :D

We chose a steamboat restaurant for our dinner. In fact, no much choices there except for steamboat and the other one which seems like serving ala carte meals. We did order side dishes like satay and fried squids. The steamboat was fine except the service. It appeared to be like no captain there besides few staffs working the routines and running the business. Everything was mixed with a little bit of mess. On top of that, there’s special entertainer for your dinner – the mosquitoes bites. So, do request for mosquito fighter.

No doubt, Sepang Gold Coast is a nice scenery spot even the development of the resorts is still under progress. Upon the completion of the construction, all the units of the sea villas designed to resemble the shape of a palm tree called Golden Palm Villas. It's going to be an amazing view if you view it from the top! This place is windy with nice ambience for relaxing, and not forgetting a nice spot to view sunset. Know what, the lowest price for a small resort is easily cost you half a million.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009





Monday, April 06, 2009

Vroom Vroom Vroom! Alive with Adrenalin!

Have you been to the Formula One? If you haven't, make sure you go and feel it at least once in a lifetime.

This's my second time. I love the race since I first enjoyed it in year 2007. So lucky, this year I got courtesy tickets from Tracy's Friend, Tey. It was one day before the grand prix. Time was so spontaneous, I had no program yet on Sunday. Diamond Grand Stand Ticket! How would you afford to miss? So...left everything behind, F1, here I come!

Alvin, Fun & me took the coach provided by Petronas Tower, KLCC at 1130am. Well, drive yourself to Sepang circuit could be miserable :D Despite the jam, you gotta familiar with the route, so that you won't get lost in the midst of finding car park.

We were in Sepang circuit around 1250pm. After the guide briefed us on how to get back to the coach after race (with Alvin and Fun around, never have to worry :P), we were walking about 1.5km to reach the entry gate. Of couse, along the walking, you gotta see a real F1 car displayed at mall area, a lot of hot pretty F1 gals for you to capture picture, stalls selling F1 merchandise, free gift to give away by quest, etc. So crowded, so much funs and happenings!

Pretty hot gals! What a good bodyshape that everyone dreams of!

At last, we found our diamond grand stand block N2.06. Right in front of us was the trophy presentation platform, what the best view you could ever get! Hurray! Grand stand is really meant a lot. Coz it has a lot of goings on to capture, handsome things to see, excitement to feel, cheers to cheerish ... wow... fantastic one!

Before 2009 Formula 1 Petronas Malaysia Grand Prix (56 laps), we got to enjoy GP2 Asia Second Race (20 laps) and Formula BMW Pacific Second Race (5 laps). Of all, F1 was the most excited one! The sounds of vroom vroom and the speed could just stimulate the level of your adrenalin :D That's how this year's slogan being derived? COOL, I'd say! Keep alive with adrenalin, you feel your life worth more :P
Vroom vroom vroom...Ready to go!
Well, the whole racing was full of excitement until the rain pouring down. It's raining like cats and dogs. The racing forced to stop after few cars skipped. My brother called me up, asked me to prepare for home. There won't be any race continue coz it's raining. I scolded him for spoilting my mood. When it has stopped till 7pm, agreed by all drivers, the race's being called off. The end result taken upon the last lap at 33. What? That made the whole thing to the END?

In fact, Fun and I were in the washroom when they made such an announcement. So, we're surprised when everyone was moving out while we're walking back to the grand stand! Argghh...The Champion! The award presentation! We rushed all the way back but it's so crowded. We missed it! Couldn't believe it! The washroom matter!

Feeling like watching halfway show, no ending show. My heart felt a sense of lost. Whatever it is, the end was still an end. Moreover, I have enjoyed the racing. Thanks for the great race! You guys are amazing! BRAVO!
The Champion, Jensen Button

Saturday, March 28, 2009









Monday, March 16, 2009







Tuesday, March 03, 2009







Wednesday, February 25, 2009







Monday, February 09, 2009





套句老话“新年新希望!”偶也在今年定了新目标。又是冲刺的时刻了,偶每一天都在冲刺哦! 新年馨年,希望每一年每一天每一分每一秒(哇,这样详细?)都是新的,温馨的!朋友,加油!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Like that also can?

Back from hometown today. Long time don't chit chat with Hong Kia. Ask her for dinner after work. As usual we go to frequent-visit vegetarian restaurant. Chit chat chit chat until so syok. Suddenly I felt my toe was bitten by something sharp. Wow cow, guess what? I thought it was a cat BUT it was a mouse! A big big mouse bite my toe! What a sign? Like that also can?!

Can't find the real spot of where the mouse has bitten. Could see little scratches on my toe. Bitten by mosquito, by doggy, is considered normal. What about a mouse? Hoho...from ratatouille? Real miracle! The mouse must be too hungry until treated my toes as Finger Licking Good Kentucky Fried Chicken! Go go go you this hungry mouse, your time was over, it's now the year of Golden OX year! Yo Yo!

MOOve it! MOOve it!

Yo...For so long, I didn’t write any thing on my blogspot. Emm…too busy? Too many life stories to write? Too tired? I think no mood to write is the main cause. When got mood to write, no labtop around, when got labtop around, the brain stuck and couldn’t recall. Well…so many to accomplish in life, yet so little the time. Time is real flying at a glance!

The rat year gone, the ox year comes, whatever unhappy, unaccomplished, go go go. Start a new with this brand new bright GU year! Hehe...still left few more days to go before Chinese New Year really calls off. Take this opportunity with my deepest sincerity wish all my dear friends (who i'm not able to meet up during CNY) "A Happier & Greater Niu Year!" Best wishes for all your brand new goals! Get set…! MOOve it! MOOve it!

诚实,是人与人之间关系的基石。如果一段关系建立在谎言之上,就如同在沙地上筑塔,看似巍峨,却经不起一丝风吹雨打。一旦谎言被揭穿,信任崩塌,关系便如断线的风筝,飘摇不定,甚至一发不可收拾,最终坠入无尽的深渊。 两个人若想携手共创未来,路途漫漫,唯有坦诚相待,方能让心与心真正靠近。诚...