Friday, November 10, 2006

Step Up

Step Up
The music is just begun to play its real-meant rhythm. Awake your inner soul and start dancing with me. One step front, one step back; one step right, one step left…step by step, you’d sure perform beautifully…but promise, first step up and do it …

"Every second chance, begins with a first step..."

The passion keeps you alive...
“If you have a dream, you know what you want, go for it…

The past is a past. Yet, if you have forgotten the good feeling, don’t be afraid, look back and feel it again…

Nothing comes easily nor you should take things for granted. Behind the real scene, there were tears and sweats…

For thing to change, you must first change. For thing to achieve extraordinarily, you must first see beyond, think beyond and feel beyond…don’t judge thing by its cover…

Step your happy feet at anywhere you go, and share the joy with anyone. Believe that it is the most precious gift that everyone much appreciated…

1 comment:

forestfyre said...

Hey... what a coincident. I just got back from this movie with a friend. It's a great one... makes me think about what I want in life too... Just told my friend that I am always 'floating' searching for direction...

Have taken so many steps, but somehow or rather, I am still wondering if the steps I have taken are really the steps that I wanna take, or I am just going with the flow...

诚实,是人与人之间关系的基石。如果一段关系建立在谎言之上,就如同在沙地上筑塔,看似巍峨,却经不起一丝风吹雨打。一旦谎言被揭穿,信任崩塌,关系便如断线的风筝,飘摇不定,甚至一发不可收拾,最终坠入无尽的深渊。 两个人若想携手共创未来,路途漫漫,唯有坦诚相待,方能让心与心真正靠近。诚...