Thursday, October 11, 2012


I have found the peace that I desired for so much all these days. Yes, I know nobody can bring you peace but yourself. But this place truly brings me peace of mind and soul. Churchill Island, just off the coast of Phillip Island, is a lovely beautiful place filled with peace and calm.

Anyone who is free to choose will always choose peace. Ther reality of life: to live in peace and at ease we must not speak all we know or all we see. And thus, you cannot find peace by avoiding life. So, it isn't enough to talk about peace. We must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. We must work at it.

Every goal, every action, every thought, every feeling we experience, whether it be consciously or unconsciously known, is an attempt to increase our level of peace of mind. Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time. No rush hour shall be attempted.

All time, we feel ourselves tired, exhausted, stressful, and to name a lot more. Of all, I am certain, the body is not the measure of healing, peace is the measure. We keep finding for peace all time. In fact, it’s not anywhere or somewhere, it’s hidden within self.

I’m glad to be in the nature again as in every walk with nature I receive far more than I seek. To all, Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy. I'm looking forward the next nature walk...

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诚实,是人与人之间关系的基石。如果一段关系建立在谎言之上,就如同在沙地上筑塔,看似巍峨,却经不起一丝风吹雨打。一旦谎言被揭穿,信任崩塌,关系便如断线的风筝,飘摇不定,甚至一发不可收拾,最终坠入无尽的深渊。 两个人若想携手共创未来,路途漫漫,唯有坦诚相待,方能让心与心真正靠近。诚...