Monday, May 21, 2012

Be your own BOSS!

What is the requirement of being a boss? 
Perhaps, being a boss sound easy? If you are wealthy enough, you'd just be a boss?
Sometimes, you need not to be rich to be a boss,
You just need the one thing in you - want or desire to be a boss!
But how to be a good boss? It's challenging!
How to be a boss whom everyone is looking forward to work with, is even more challenging!
Now, how to be a good boss who is deep insight, far view, knowledgeable, justice, helpful, and considering?
Either too much or too little any of the above, it'd be doing nothing good to the organisation, operation, staffs and even performance.
Sometimes, happen to be a decision made by a boss could be silly enough and result stress or even a burden to a staff.
Who or what you decided to keep; who or what you decided to let go,
It's pretty crucial as you are the main key person of the whole organisation.
You're the owner! If you do, that's the best scenario; but if you don't, who else know the best?
If you let the leader to decide, then you shall just keep your path with him along,
You could not just withdraw halfway and make a sudden swift to what has just proceeded.
Couldn't imagine how could this leader adapt to the swift and continue his path in future.
Still worthwhile to stay in such an organisation or, yes, work with such a boss?
Better off, he's either quit or...hehe...try to be his own boss!


Anonymous said...

the best BOSS and desirable BOSS in town is definately your precious SUNSHINE la....

joeyeo said...

In that case, let me get my SUNSHINE first then!


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