I was in the midst of going back home before next appointment. My car was stopped in front of traffic light. It’s red. Just that few second, the car behind me banged into my back. I was out of shock, of course. What the hell was this fella behind me doing?
Immediately I went down from car and looked at my car. I truly showed my impatience to the fella. What on earth were you doing in the afternoon? You were Indian. You didn’t fasting. Did you out of your mind? Did you fall into sleep? See, what the damn thing had you done? How come there’s cow driving on the road!!! So unbelievable!
The story now -- one of the sensors was damaged. The bumper was loosening. The bonnet cover was caved in. There’re scratches spoilt the paint. Serious or not, these would take two days for the whole course of repairing. Sad lo me…to see my lou gong zai injured this way!
Thing that frustrated me the most was the carelessness of that fella. For how many times my old car and now, this new one, have been hit by careless and idiotic drivers. All the times, I was in static condition. The idiot came and just hit. Or, it's me who don't know how to drive? I should drive airplane next time. I think sky is safer!
Mata, please keep those cows and pigs in the place they entitled for. Don’t ever let them drive on the road, it causes danger to other road users! Pleazzzz la wei…
My fire is still burning right now!
Life's special of its give and take. It's afterall about sharing. You can share without loving; but you cannot love without sharing.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
中秋节,夜光会,是乎好久好久没举办了。今年心血来潮,妈妈问要不要搞一个夜光会,我说好,老弟也说好。妈妈开心到像嫦娥飞上天 (是夸张一点点)。就这样,妈妈召集了三户人家,一家准备一两样,就这样轻而一举,两桌面的食物,有nasi lemak、红豆糖水、炸鸡翼、云吞和虾、玉粟糕(妈妈的拿手糕点,好久没尝过了)、豆腐卜、蛋糕、燕菜等等,当然还少不了压轴重点食物—月饼!一个中秋晚会就这样形成了。
中秋节,月圆人团圆。游子可能没办法特地赶回家乡过中秋,无所谓,只要记得打通电话给家里的老人家,呈上你暖暖地祝福,我想,他们就已经很开心了。老人家,老了怕孤独,也比较会耍脾气哦(最会口不对心,虽说无所谓,其实是很在意的)! 甭管他们说不用不用,站在他们的立场想想,他们其实最需要的是什么?对了,你的关爱,就像小时候他们怎样无微不至地关爱你一样。不管是那一个季节,记得你的小小关爱,可以减少他们对你的思念哦!就别吝啬你的爱。
中秋节,月圆人团圆。游子可能没办法特地赶回家乡过中秋,无所谓,只要记得打通电话给家里的老人家,呈上你暖暖地祝福,我想,他们就已经很开心了。老人家,老了怕孤独,也比较会耍脾气哦(最会口不对心,虽说无所谓,其实是很在意的)! 甭管他们说不用不用,站在他们的立场想想,他们其实最需要的是什么?对了,你的关爱,就像小时候他们怎样无微不至地关爱你一样。不管是那一个季节,记得你的小小关爱,可以减少他们对你的思念哦!就别吝啬你的爱。
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诚实,是人与人之间关系的基石。如果一段关系建立在谎言之上,就如同在沙地上筑塔,看似巍峨,却经不起一丝风吹雨打。一旦谎言被揭穿,信任崩塌,关系便如断线的风筝,飘摇不定,甚至一发不可收拾,最终坠入无尽的深渊。 两个人若想携手共创未来,路途漫漫,唯有坦诚相待,方能让心与心真正靠近。诚...

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