Thursday, October 20, 2011

Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.

What was Yesterday? Was it just a memory? Insignificant? Or influential?
Investment industry always highlights "Past record does not indicate future performance".
Does it apply on life too?

What is Today? Is it plan-able? Controllable? Or an honour?
As it determines tomorrow's outcome? As you live to see today?
Do we believe to see? Or see to believe? Where shall value, passion and faith be held?

What is Tomorrow? Is it about hope and luck?
Hope is a thing with feather? As if you're able to live to see?
How if tomorrow never comes? Where does future stand then?

If we work right for today, does everything carry a future?
How long does that future last?
You can't live in the past?
Are you living for today?
Or fighting for tomorrow?

Yesterday is a treasure. Today is a leisure. Tomorrow is a pleasure.

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