Maybe this is not the first time you heard about these quotes but I think worth to share here again. Powerful essence quotes/lessons that I got from this movie:-
a. Opportunity
“If someone pray for patient, you think God gives them patient, or to give them the opportunity to be patient? If you pray for courage, does God give them courage, or to give them the opportunity to be more courageous? If someone pray for the family to be closer, you think God will give them the warmth about the feeling, or to give them more opportunity to love each other?”
b. Change
“How do we change the world? One act of random kindness (ARK) at a time.” It's just like a small (or even an insignificant) change a day, ultimately, it’d become a huge change at the later day. Every little action has its meaning, don’t underestimate.
c. Belief
When you determine to do something, in many people’s eyes, it may seem like you’re trying to make fool of yourself, your life. But belief will be the faith to keep you up to pursuit your dream. Believe in yourself!