Friday, February 25, 2011

You're just adorable!

Your bubbling, so cute, so charming
Once heard, giggling;
Your smiling, so pure, so adorable
Once saw, heart melting;
I just couldn't afford to miss it even a day!

When I saw you, I couldn't leave you alone
When I left you, I could have heart broken
Couldn't help but you're just too adorable!
Holding my hand, giving you all my love
You just make me falling in love with you again and again...

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自2019年爆发的新冠肺炎,从人心惶恐到今天的习已为常,人类到底学到了什么? 偶看到带有病菌的人,罔顾他人性命,到处趴趴走。 偶看到为了人权自由,不惜走上街头示威,自由重要过一条人命。 偶看到各个领袖自导自演个精彩的片段,都是为了个人私欲,反映权与钱极大诱惑。 偶看到的有美大佬以...