Sunday, July 18, 2010

With. Without.

Sometimes, it's good to have someone with;
Sometimes, it's good to have someone without.

Sometimes, it's good to have something with;
Sometimes, it's good to have something without.

Sometimes, it's good to choose with or without;
Sometimes, it's good to have only with or without.

Sometimes, it's simpler to leave without than to leave with;
Sometimes, it's easier to live without than to live with.

All in all, born without; live without; leave without;
and the soul is free without...

1 comment:

ting said...



自2019年爆发的新冠肺炎,从人心惶恐到今天的习已为常,人类到底学到了什么? 偶看到带有病菌的人,罔顾他人性命,到处趴趴走。 偶看到为了人权自由,不惜走上街头示威,自由重要过一条人命。 偶看到各个领袖自导自演个精彩的片段,都是为了个人私欲,反映权与钱极大诱惑。 偶看到的有美大佬以...