Thursday, January 07, 2010

Babe Naughty!

I must have treated doggie badly in my previous life. During my trip to Kuantan last weekend, I was attacked by my friend's doggy, "Babe"! In the midst of talking to my friend in the room, Babe suddenly rushed in and attacked me. I was so shocked till falling down onto the floor, my foot sprained and got all the bruises on my thighs and legs. What a day?!

Was Babe actually playing with me or he really disliked me :'( According to my friend, her Babe never attacked nor bite people. I was the first Babe had such a reaction. Gosh, Babe must have hated me so much. Attacked by Babe twice in a day, you know how much I got scared of him? Babe is naughty and evil even he's cute in fact. Oh no, Babe!

Babe Naughty! Punishment for Babe: No more "mum mum" or "kai kai" for him :P That is Babe's favourite words which create excitement to him even he's sleeping, he'll wake up immediately. Looking at Babe, he is just like a small kid, needs to be pampered like anyone else in the world! Love him, Hate him!

1 comment:

ahmeng said...

mmm.. maybe u seated on his toy.. dislike is a negative word, no good no good.. for new year.. lol


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